I'm going to start trying to use this blog for other posts. So I'll still do the one photograph a day thing, but I'll use it for anything else I need to remember too. Worried about going senile and forgetting everything, I already have slight trouble with remembering what actually happened and often get confused with things I've dreamed about and think they actually happened. Or things that actually happened I sometimes think I dreamed about/imagined. They get a bit mixed up, so hopefully the more I document the easier it will be to remember properly.
I used to stay up late watching music video channels and recording them onto video tapes. Not sure if the video tapes exist anymore but this was probably one of the videos on one of the tapes.
And the artwork from the album Coral Fang is my favourite album artwork. I feel a bit sad that I can't remember the last time I bought an album.
Two photographs because this is late. I was meant to post it last night but I was far too sleepy. I had a nice morning hoovering stairs and cleaning my plants leaves. They looked a bit sad and dusty.
Must buy rice, potatoes (Kartofeln/Erdäpfel) and olive oil.
Didn't do a post last night because I was tired and grumpy. People exhaling on me. Sometimes when I'm walking past people in the street I hold my breath until they've gone past.
Happier this morning after a nap and a bird! Fat wood pigeon.
Went out last night. Surreal violent homo-erotic wrestling on the television screen and anxiety in a club. The walk home was nice. I also bought some art stuff earlier in the day and drank some coffee.
I really like this book. :) Today I filed things away and cut up some cardboard and paper. Didn't go outside. Going for a nap now.