Friday, 21 January 2011

Monday, 17 January 2011

365 days are done.

I won't update every day now, but I will still try to update often.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day Three Hundred & Fifty Three

Tried out our new rice cooker for the first time. It made tasty rice! Just have a slow cooker to try now.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Day Three Hundred & Fifty Two

Finally caught up on posts! Going to play computer games all day now and drink tea. Should probably take down Christmas decorations too but I will miss them.

Day Three Hundred & Fifty One

Day Three Hundred & Fifty

New Years Eve fireworks. :)

Day Three Hundred & Forty Nine

Run out of things to photograph when I stay in the house all the time.

Day Three Hundred & Forty Eight

Day Three Hundred & Forty Seven

Pretty much just trees and birds in Turriff.

Day Three Hundred & Forty Six

Day Three Hundred & Forty Five

Went back to my Dads for boxing day. Nice birds there. I'm not so good at taking photographs of birds though so I have lots of out of focus and squint bird photographs.

Day Three Hundred & Forty Four

Christmas day! Had an Indian takeaway with Sean opened presents. :)

Day Three Hundred & Forty Three

Christmas Eve! Did some last minute shopping. And at night ate some tasty goose for the first time. ^^

Day Three Hundred & Forty Two

Day Three Hundred & Forty One

22nd of December, meant to be Christmas shopping but taking photographs of snowy lions.

Day Three Hundred & Forty

Day Three Hundred & Thirty Nine

Making Christmas presents!

Day Three Hundred & Thirty Eight

Snowy Aberdeen. :)

Day Three Hundred & Thirty Seven

Huge catch up. Oops. I should have put this photograph up ages ago!
