Sunday, 31 October 2010

Day Two Hundred & Eighty Nine

Day Two Hundred & Eighty Eight

Woke up at all the wrong times. Slept for most of the day! Felt like Christmas so I bought this Christmas plant. Need soil.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Day Two Hundred & Eighty Seven

Thank you Sean for fixing things for me. Even when they make no sense.


Thursday, 28 October 2010

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Day Two Hundred & Eighty One

Sean's tapes. Fixed one with some scissors and sellotape.

Day Two Hundred & Eighty

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Day Two Hundred & Seventy Nine

Day Two Hundred & Seventy Eight

It is wintertime because all the crispy leaves are turning to mulchy leaves.

Day Two Hundred & Seventy Seven


Day Two Hundred & Seventy Six

Goggz came over with some Chinese takeaway food. I had some pear cider with it and had a nap early.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Day Two Hundred & Seventy Five

Caught up to today now. Gonna go make some brownies. :)

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Day two Hundred & Seventy Four

Day Two Hundred & Seventy Three

Day two Hundred & Seventy Two

Repotted plants.

Day Two Hundred & Seventy One

Got some new draught excluders! No more draughts will be getting me.

Day Two Hundred & Seventy

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Nine

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Eight

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Seven

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Six


Day Two Hundred & Sixty Five

Old shed in our garden.

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Four

Goodbye old computer.

Day two Hundred & Sixty Three

New computer. Yay! Thanks Sean. :) Now I can play Team Fortress 2 happy.

Day Two Hundred & Sixty Two

Day Two Hundred & Sixty One

Day Two Hundred & Sixty

Mushroom sprouts!

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Nine

Day two Hundred & Fifty Eight

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Seven

Fungi! I love Autumn for all the mushrooms. It was very rainy and they all turned up suddenly.

If I went to university I think I would study fungi.

Or spores.

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Six

Finally got a key bowl. I think it was £2. The charity shop was a bit scary and I had to avoid a dancing man, but it was worth it for the dish.

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Five

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Four

Graveyard where there are rabbits and magpies.

Day Two Hundred & Fifty Three

I missed a couple weeks of uploading photographs...which is quite bad. Some of those days were because I didn't have a card reader and photoshop, but mainly it was just because I didn't do any uploading.

Catching up now though! I think I have about 22 days to do all at once. Thanks Sean for making photoshop and the card reader work! :D
